
Capital City Disc Golf Club Memberships (Click here to find out why memberships exist) are now available! Individual annual memberships are $20 per member when paid in person. Your club membership automatically buys you in to the CCDG Bag Tag League. Your returned bag tags make you eligible to play in our annual year-end bag tag finale. Remember you can always pay in person at a club event!

Who Sold it
11/14/24Shawn KingmanMarshall
11/14/24Marshall DunstMarshall
11/14/24Daniel LehmanMarshall
11/14/24Rigo CejaMarshall
11/14/24David JacksonMarshall
11/14/24Patrick EricksonMarshall
11/14/24Justin StinsonMarshall
11/15/24Daniel SchoonoverPaypal
11/18/24Bill BowmanMarshall
11/18/24Travis UnruhMarshall
11/18/24Randall StubbsMarshall
11/18/24Ivan BasarginMarshall
11/18/24Mark SharpMarshall
11/18/24Dustin KlockMarshall
11/21/24Michael FilickyMarshall
12/2/24Diana LewisMarshall
12/3/24Barry BolligerMarshall
12/7/24Kendo ChadwickMarshall
12/7/24Tyler CadeMarshall
12/8/24Cody BMarshall
12/8/24Stacey WMarshall
12/15/24Gary FitzgeraldBarry
12/15/24Jacob ParedesBarry
12/15/24Matthew BolducBarry
12/26/24Brice WatersMarshall